1:The Project2 mainly use the Matrix Multiplication to implement the movement of the person 2:There are two matrix that each represent a kind of movement,one is translation,the other is rotating,the two kind of movement combine with each other 3:The compound movement must be implemented by the Matrix 4:The algorithm I used refers to the blog which describe the movement of the person generally,and I implement it in a specific way 5:The implement can be simplified by opengl and what I only do is set the value and operation in the matrix,the graphic can be implemented by the methods defined in opengl 6:I mainly use the methods in opengl including: ***6.1:The most important and basic method is glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix,without which the Graphic can't be displayed 6.2:glTranslatef implements the operation of translation 6.3:glColor3f defines the color if the person,through which you put three basic color 6.4:glRotatef defines the movement of rotating 6.5: gluDisk defines the curve of the person 6.6: defines the curve of the person 6.7: gluCylinder draw the cylinder as the name of the method mentions